Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Blood Diamonds

A Brief Explanation

Blood diamonds (More known as conflict diamonds) are diamonds that are mined in a war zone. They are then sold and the profits made are used to fund war. Most commonly in Africa, the profits helped warlords and rebels to purchase arms to fight with in devastating civil wars.

The efforts to stop this

The Kimberley Process is a voluntary and self regulating way to ensure diamonds are conflict free and are not funding illegal activities. It has been doing well for a couple of years but recently the process is failing. The process is meant to guarantee and provide confidence to the consumer to know what they are buying is conflict free. They do this by labelling diamond shipments.

Problem Countries

Africa, Republic of Congo and Liberia are to name but a few. The biggest problem country at the moment is Zimbabwe. Diamond fields there are the biggest source of conflict diamonds entering the worlds market. Families are forced to work mining for diamonds and they suffer dog attacks, sexual assault and beating.  This is the reason why we shouldn’t buy blood diamonds as we fund the cruelty and poverty of the people working for the monsters that force them.

The reason the efforts to stop this, The Kimberly Process have failed is because all though all 49 members who are part of the Kimberly process must agree that the shipment is legit, the president of Zimbabwe has been authorising the shipment of these diamonds independently.

How to Check if I am Buying Conflict Free Diamonds?

The biggest piece of advice I can give you is ask questions, lots of them. Most diamond products are expensive and the money you spend should mean you get something of quality, not war.
Ask questions like:

  • Where are the diamonds from
  • Ask for a written guarantee to ensure the diamond is conflict free
  • Ask to see an invoice for the diamonds

If the diamonds come from Zimbabwe, Angola, Sierra Leone, Liberia, or Congo then do not buy it as it’s more than likely a blood diamond. If the jeweller can’t answer or refuses to answer any of your questions or you just feel uncomfortable then it’s time to turn and walk away and look for another place.

Always look for reputation. Most jewellers are legit and honest with what they sell but you should always keep your head on your shoulders just in case.

A reputable Jewellers i know are called The Milestone Jewellers; Specialists in jewellery in Manchester and diamond jewellery in Manchester.

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