Plastic can take a very, very long time to decay and
break down, basically recycle itself but with the technology and knowledge we
now have this is starting to slowly become a thing of the past which has
massive benefits for our planet!
What about my shopping and waste bags!?
It’s not that bags are disappearing! We are simply making
them more eco friendly and bio degradable.
Shopping bags have started to take the first step towards
becoming greener. I personally don’t see any possible way we could ever remove
plastic shopping bags from supermarkets as even the greenest of green person
does occasional for get their “bag for life” (which is an good start to be coming
greener yourself by the way) but they are also environmentally friendly, well
better then what they was anyways. Bags have become thinner which uses fewer
materials to manufacture the bag. Supermarkets claim they are just as strong
but i beg to differ, in fact that’s a whole new subject!
Moving on to waste bags or bin liners as they are commonly referred
to. This seems to be a little contradictive. We spend all this time recycling
and being careful with our waste and then we throw other items that can’t be
recycled into plastic bags that take hundreds of years to decompose. Well just
like shopping bags times are changing and being greener is more of a concern than
ever before. The waste we now throw away in our domestic bins and transported
of to landfill can now be put in supermarket bought eco friendly biodegradable
bags meaning less impact on the environment.
Do Your Bit
This is one of the simplest things you can do to be green!
The cost of eco friendly bags is nothing compared to what standard non
biodegradable bags and in appearance they are no different! The environment
gets a helping hand from you with the most minimum effort (Simply swapping your
bags) and you get the satisfaction of knowing you are being a little bit greener!
This blog is provided by G and S Corporate Supplies at
provided of cleaning supplies in the UK